When I first read those words on Twitter, my heart stopped. When I confirmed those words on Nikki's myspace page, I died. Yes folks, my lovely Nikki Sixx will be in my hometown in May broadcasting his radio show, Sixx Sense, from Rock on the Range. To say I'm excited is an understatement. I immediately called my partner in crime, Dee, to let her know the good news. The chances of us actually running into him or meeting him seem pretty high at the moment. Of course, that's all subject to change but I'm keeping my fingers crossed. And if I'm really lucky, I can whisk him away to my house because I only live about 5 minutes from the venue. I kid, I kid! I have already warned my husband about the situation and he is fully aware that this May could be the month I run away with Nikki.
Check out my review of day two of Rock on the Range 2008!
Lucky, lucky u if u have an opportunity to see the sexiest man alive real close :)
I love your blog! So I gave you an award!! :)
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